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Side by Side

Free and Collaborative travel website

Side by Side gives you the opportunity to find the right someone to travel with.

By plane, train, bus or boat, whatever your destination or type of trip, your journey with Side by Side will be an enjoyable experience.

No more travel stress and frustration when traveling, Side by Side is a new way of traveling.

Our advantages

Why travel with us

Reduce travel stress

A community of thousands of travelers, always ready to embark on new adventures and to help one another

Improve mobility & orientation

More than a million kilometers traveled around the world by our travelers, experience, ...

Put an end to language barriers

Whatever the type of trip, road, trekking, tourism, adventure, sport, in France or abroad ...

Simply communicate

Create your own announcement by specifying your destination (s), the dates of your trip, ...

Travel Quotes


«En voyage, on a besoin d’un compagnon et dans la vie de compassion


«Rester, c’est exister. Voyager c’est vivre»

Gustave NADAUD

«Le voyageur est celui qui se donne le temps de la rencontre et de l’échange»

Frédéric LECLOUX

«Rien ne développe l’intelligence comme les voyages»

Emile ZOLA

«Chaque voyage est le rêve d’une nouvelle naissance»


«Ce qui importe ce n’est pas le voyage, c’est celui avec lequel on voyage»


«Le plus beau des voyages, c’est celui que l’on n’a pas encore fait»


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